
Explore Kerala

Kerala ‘The God’s Own country’ is an enchantingly beautiful, emerald green land, flanked by the Western Ghats on one side, the Arabian Sea on the other, and strewn with rivers, lagoons, backwaters and rich vegetation. Legends state that Kerala was created by Parshuram (a famous ancient sage). Vasco da Gama discovered the sea route to India from Europe when he landed near Calicut in 1498 AD. Kerala is situated, in the South West corner of Indian peninsula. It is a tropical state with green and lush vegetation and has a 550 km coastline on the Arabian Sea. Kerala is the most densely populated state in India with 38,863 sq km area with around 33 million population. Kerala is also one of the richest states in India with forests and plantations of rubber, cashew, and coconuts everywhere. It has a particularly rich heritage of dance and drama (Kathalkali, Koothu, Mohiniattam) and people here are among the most industrious and well educated (100% literacy late) in the country. Kerala is renowned all over the world for its backwaters, natural beauty, health resorts and beaches.

Best Destinations

When You Are Looking For Peace,
Nature Is Always The Answer...





Hill stations








Holy places




Best Attractions

If You Truly Love Nature,
You Will Find Beauty Everywhere

Must Visit

Must Visit

Must Visit

Must Visit

Must Visit

Must Visit

Soul And Culture Of Kerala

You Have To Taste A Culture To Understand It

ArtForms in Kerala

Be it the sound of drums that electrifies the festivals or eloquent faces to see during Kathakali, and Nangiar Koothu, Kerala is justifiably beloved for its mix of old-world Mohiniyattam and Kathakali passion, and the national dance form is certainly no exception. When on a cultural tour to Kerala, one must attend the shows related to dance forms like Kathakali, Mohiniyattam, Chakyar Koothu, Nangiar Koothu, Theyyam, and Ottamthullal. A blend of dance, drama, mime and song, these more than 300 years old art forms are one of the most exotic of the India's performing arts. In Kerala, one can find martial art dance forms as well like Kalaripayattu, and Velakali. A visually intriguing sight, the movement of these art forms are a combination of grace with strength and speed with flexibility and dexterity. Folk and tribal art form of Kerala like Kolkali are treat to eyes too; they are developed in isolation but have a mainstream influence. To feel the pulse of Kerala, there's nothing better than witnessing its art forms. So leave behind the backwater, and be a part of the frenzy high-energy art forms on your holiday to Kerala.

HouseBoat in kerala

Blue, Green, Orange, these three shades colour one's imagination when one thinks of Kerala. Just imagine traversing through the myriad of green that gets denser by every hour; this is how bewitching Kerala can be. Staying on a houseboat in the middle of the water can be really a wonderful and forgettable experience. It is a great opportunity for the traveller to discover the colorful vistas of the aquatic world from the comfort of the houseboat; it is an experience like no other. Experiencing houseboat can be really thrilling, mesmerizing and enchanting! Kerala is one of the first states to launch the concept of eco-tourism in India. Houseboats are probably the best way to explore the perplexing backwaters of Kerala. Greenery surrounding the area is harmonious, picturesque and exudes freshness. A day long drive from Kochi to Kumarakom feels like a breath of fresh air! An amazing eco-system with exhilarating plants, bird, and aquatic life, riding on the backwaters of Kerala is simply peaceful.

Festivals in Kerala

Festivals celebrated in Kerala feature parades of elephants gleaming in their golden canopies, fireworks, snake boat races and performances of traditional art such as Mohiniyattam dance and Kathakali ritual drama. The riot of colors against the backdrop of the pristine blue beaches and lakes is a contrasting picture of vibrancy and silence. In Kerela, every festival is celebrated with fanfare and joy. For the people of Kerala, each and every day is a celebration. India is the land of fairs and festivals, and the tiny state Kerala is no exception to it. The unique culture of God's own city, Kerala, is simply mesmerizing and spellbinding. Every mosque, church and temple has its own annual celebration.These festivals keep reminding the people of the rich cultural heritage the state possess. Festivals are occasions for recalling the lives of kings, saints, and mystics. Fairs and Festivals celebrated here provide a wonderful opportunity for visitors to get acquainted with the culture and traditions of the state.

Adventure in Kerala

Kerala holds wider expanse in adventure tourism activities, the growth of tourism in Kerala owes a lot to adventure activities which have drawn tourists who are interested in adventures. Some adventure activities in Kerala you can actively partake are Trekking - Kerala is considered as one of the top destinations for trekking. Surfing - the hot spots for surfing in Kerala are Kovalam and Varkala beaches. Boating - being a home of a vast number of rivers it is evident to sail along the backwaters of Kerala. Paragliding - amongst the most desired sports, this activity is popularly loved and liked by all those who enjoy adventures.

Ayurveda in Kerala

Kerala is probably the only state in India where Ayurveda is used as a mainstream medicine. Here one can see many Ayurvedic medical colleges and hospitals across the state. Kerala Ayurveda is famous for its 5 prolonged treatment, named as Panchakarma. As part of this treatment medicated oil, herbs, milk, and special diet are used to cure all types of aliments. A classic text on medicine, the Ashtangahridaya, is the foundation on which Ayurveda is based. Its author, Vagbhata was the disciple of a Buddhist physician and received little recognition in the rest of India. It is believed that a few Nampoothiri (Brahmin) families were the original Ayurvedic physicians and their decedents still carry the honorific title of ashtavaidyan. Nowadays, this holistic science of healing is practiced all over India. Ayurveda is the oldest healthcare system in the world. Kerala has the largest number of Ayurveda colleges and practitioners in comparison to any other place in the world.

Cuisines in Kerala

The Kerala state that cradles between Western Ghats and Arabian Sea swings between juicy seafood and aromatic traditional dishes. The people incorporate a heavy dose of coconut milk, mustard seeds, curry leaves, rice, fish, poultry, meat, chillies and tamarind in the dishes that not only have an exotic effect on flavours but in presentation as well. The Sadya, is an extravagant meal in Kerala, which is a traditional vegetarian feast that is served as lunch. Banana leaf is used to serve Sadya, which consists of boiled pink rice, side dishes, curries, pickles and desserts spread. The Onam Sadya is a must try as it includes the best of traditional food items in it like Avial, Erissery, Kaalan, Koottu Curry, Olan, Parippu and several other dishes. Appam with varied non-veg stews and curries, idiyyapam and egg roast, Chiratta Puttu & Cheru Payar, Kappa Puttu or Tapioca Puttu, and Lamb with Tapioca Ularthiyathu are some of the dishes that are served in the breakfast in Kerala. On the other side Ada Pradhaman, Palada Pradhaman, Vathalappam and Paal Paayasam are some of the major desserts in Kerala.